Welcome Mothers, Fathers, Grandmothers, Grandfathers, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Friends and anyone else who needs an ear...Please come with an open heart.

This is a place for anyone who has felt the loss of a child. Treat this as a communication haven regardless of how or when you felt your loss. My definition of loss: miscarriage at any stage, still birth regardless of week gestation, infant death at any month, and loss of a child even if your child was all grown up. For me they all hold the same root of devestation. None are more profound or more "easily" dealt with than another.

Please cry if you need to.
Please connect with others who are in your same space.
Please email me if you feel led to
Please comment so we know what you need
Please tell your story

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Show and Tell - Drumroll Please...

The transformation is complete. Did I tell you Calliope was waving a magic wand, or what?
This is a pretty obvious Show and Tell. I mean, I have three, yes THREE new headers. I have my own button! (grab it!) I have a navigation menu bar, for crying out crazy loud with links that acutally ...wait for it...WORK! (Go! Go now and try them...they work! Did you click The Bear and The Comedian? Do you just LOVE that header, or what?)

I could go on and on, obviously. But I have something much more important to do. So with "showing" complete (you did go see all my new diggs, right?) it is time to tell.

I must tell you about my friend Dora. She is an amazing lady. She is strong and determined. She is giving and embodies every definition of kind I've ever heard. She connected with angrycarn. Then she connected angrycarn with me. This connection resulted in a bunting-making-team who seems determined to knit, sew and potentially crochet every single one! Dora also did, this - a most amazing give-a-way to benefit Share Southern Vermont. And, the most astounding part is she did it all while trying to remain sane as her big day approached. I mean, does it get any more giving than that?

I must also tell you about my friend, Baby Smiling. She used her creative wiles to do this - the most effective use of delurking week if ever I heard of one! She dared her reader-but-not-commenters to come out and put a price on their heads, I mean- comments, for each who took her up. Non-first timers were worth half the value. That girl raised $97 for Share Southern Vermont.

The connection? Baby Smiling wanted to help with the bunting project, but seeing as she had given up kntting to her past life, she raised the money to purchase the yarn for the ladies who would be doing the knitting. However, with all the good spirits flying Ms. Angrycarn refused the yarn funds and just starting busting out buntings.

So...the long and the short of it is SSV will have all the burial buntings it needs for a good loooooong while (God willing) AND has $97 in it's start up fund to boot.

Thank you Dora. Thank you Angrycarn. Thank you Baby Smiling. Thank you Calliope for the blog makeover of the year. Thank you to all of you who make this community a magical place. I couldn't think of a better place to spend my evenings.


JuliaS said...


Do you have patterns for the buntings? I crochet better than I knit - but this is something I have thought about doing for several years now.

Michelle said...

Such wonderful we have here in this community! I have now seen all the headers and I love them all!

HaleyMarieOlson said...

Hi! I came here for the show and tell, but wanted to tell you that I think your blog is amazing, and I wish I would have found it when I was going through my miscarriage a year ago. I will pass your link on to my IF friends. Thank you for all you do.

The Steadfast Warrior said...

Love the new digs Cara! The Header for The Bear and The Comedian is fantastic! :)

I agree that we have wonderfully generous people in this community of ours. It just gives me goose-bumps to think of it!

Sam said...

people are just fabulous aren't they!? They totally make up for all the horrible people!

Barbara said...

That's a lovely picture of sweet Emma Grace.

Everything looks marvellous.


Kristin said...

I really love the new look! Dora, Baby Smiling, Angrycanrn, and Calliope all ROCK!

Liv said...

I love the new headers. I noticed the Bear and the Comedian header the other day and thought it was MOST appropriate.

Baby smiling's comment idea was brilliant!

CLC said...

I tagged you for an award. See my blog for details!

Brenna said...

Everything looks fantastic! Spruced up for spring... I sent you a Valenheart over on my blog today, I really appreciate everything you do to honor Emma's memory. It's very inspiring.

Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

This is lovely! I feel so at home and peaceful with the new headers. Thank you, dear Cara, also Dora, Calliope, Angrycarn, and Babysmiling.

Dora said...

Love the new headers!

Thank you so much for all the kind words, my friend. My goal is to someday raise a kind and generous child. What better way to teach these qualities than to model them. Just as you do for the Bear and the Comedian.

What a great way to contribute to the future of the world, to raise our children to be good, caring people.

Beautiful Mess said...

That's so awesome! What a true reflection of the support this community gives. It's making me smile.

AnotherDreamer said...

How awesome!!! I love what can happen when a group of people can get together and just try to help one another out. It's beautiful.

Bluebird said...

Looks great - how much fun!

Bluebird said...

Also, I just have to thank you for the care and support you continue to offer on my blog. Your words are so perfect and bring more comfort than you can possibly know.

battynurse said...

Wow. The blogs look great. And so great to hear that your projects are going so well.

Anonymous said...

Hi Cara! I absolutely LOVE the new look! Its fabulous!

Baby Smiling In Back Seat said...

Sorry that I was out of town during Show and Tell and got here late. The headers look great!

You are soooooo welcome. The love you take is equal to the love you make, right? You've been generous in spades in so many ways, and your kind heart inspires many. As so Dora and angrycanrn. The good will just keeps snowballing. (Hopefully not literally... DH is out of town and I don't want to shovel the snow myself!) ;)

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Time Is Both My Best Ally and My Worst Enemy: My Meltdown 8 Years Later