Oh - and an UPDATE for those of you who have followed the hatching of the New Year's Chickens...10 hatched, the one sick one - survived, but only 3 are hens! Yup - 7 (um, SEVEN) roosters cock-a-stinking-doodle-doo every morning. Word on the street is three eggs a day...*sigh* - gonna have to do it all over!!!
Check out the other Show and Tell's HERE!
And it makes me think...alot...about creation and life and family and would we have picked them if they hadn't also popped out of our mother's womb, and how chosen friends can become family, and what is the defining balance of Nature vs. Nurture *in our lives...and a host of other wild cosmic questions.
But - those musings are a post for another day. For today...an apologetic offering - so you know who to look for in the KDH contest...of course!!!
*This book a great read - and, for me anyway - invaluable to understanding my children...
So what is a Knocked Down Hunk??? Well, in simple terms - it is a man who fathered a lost baby, at any stage of the game...but pretty please, click on the tag icon and read Monica's description for it is sure to make you smile.
AND - it will tell you how to enter YOUR knocked down hunk (KDH).
AND - you will notice at the very bottom of the post that she, much like a school teacher without any volunteers, pointed virtual fingers at a great many of us that she probably assumed would volunteer anyway.
AND - it just so happened that about 45 minutes before I read her post I had unknowingly taken the PERFECT picture of my KDH!
So - In Review... Click Over, Laugh and Blush, then email her YOUR entry!!!
There's my TELL - but I can't SHOW yet. You can click back to see what the rest of the class is showing though...
See you at the polls ladies....
and this:
What? No! The mere act of doing laundry isn't the shocking part! Well - it could be, but today I'm washing snowpants, and then - putting them away for the season!
And then I saw this:
Buds on my Emma's bush mean she's serious - mother nature I mean. But, just in case you were planning another quick trip...listen up - CANCEL THAT RETURN TRIP TICKET AND STAY PUT!
Happy Spring Everyone - Wherever you are!!!
What is PAL? - Parenting or Pregnancy After Loss
Where are the Forums? HERE!
Who Started the Ballroom? Mel, of course...who else?
Why? So our internet support family can stay connected on Saturday and Sunday, when the LFCA doesn't publish.
How do you join? - Just click that yummy looking pomegranate on the sidebar...it will lead you where you need to go.
So, Cara - how are you involved? Hey, thanks for asking!
Well - I started a group - Parenting / Preganancy After Loss - and if you fit that description I really want you to join so we can navigate these complicated waters together. I mean, did you read that conversation I had with Bear the other day? We need each other - for sure!
Want yours, too?
Just click through.